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CRO reports loaded in minutes

The Excel transformation tool

From CROs to university labs to in-house teams, modern scienctific companies leverage a diverse set of solution providers to generate results. Ingesting dozens of different report formats into data platorms can be a time consuming and thankless task for even the most capable informatics teams.

BBC's SciDataXLerate package streamlines data extraction, transformation, and loading from vendor and instrument reports. With templates for over 120 common ADMET and Biological assays from popular CROs, such as WuXi and Pharmaron, and corresponding schema definitions for data platforms, including Revvity Signals products, CDD Vault, and L7 ESP, along with an easy-to-use language for developing new "loaders", SciDataXLerate is a turn-key solution for getting data in front of scientists quickly and effortlessly.

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